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Xtreme - X stream library

Xtreme is a C++ class library permitting easy and convenient X Windows graphics programming.


  • easy to learn "on the fly", while learing C++ *
  • avoids event-oriented programming, maintains linear flow even for multiple windows
  • suitable for vector graphics, function plots
  • not suitable for heavy pixel graphics and GUI programming
  • available for AIX, Digital UNIX, FreeBSD, HP/UX, Irix, Linux, OpenBSD, Solaris

Latest Version

Latest version is: 0.4.0

News & Announcements

  • 2000/09/01 - released Xtreme 0.4.0 New!
    Warning: Xtreme 0.4.0 is an (almost) complete rewrite! Its known bugs include crashes on multiple windows, a fixed size redraw buffer, and no support for endl and setprecision. It has only been tested on OpenBSD and Linux!
    • improved autoconf support
    • OpenBSD support
    • full threading support
    • got rid of fork() and IPC (shared mem and semaphores)
    • got rid of streambase/streambuf hierarchy
    • introduced "byte"-compiled redraw buffer (short int, actually)
    • major speedup
    • minor fixes in X11 code
  • 2000/08/21 - re-designed Xtreme web site
  • 2000/08/10 - faster, byte-compiled redraw buffering
  • 2000/08/02 - complete re-write of Xtreme: fully threaded, no more IPC
  • Older Announcements...

SourceForge Control Center

The SourceForge control center for the Xtreme project is here.

(*) used in the lecture "Einstieg in die Informatik mit C++" (Introduction to Programming with C++) Wintersemester 1997/98.
Last modified: Sat Sep 2 02:10:36 CEST 2000
Patrick Schemitz